Updating AcadeMix page

Thank you @Minuri_Adasuriya This is awesome :star_struck: Weā€™ll use these in the description.

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@janithRS @Bawantha_Rathnayaka @miluckshan-j @designTeam
Could you please help us to upgrade the UI design in the 2nd phrase?


  1. Iā€™ve reduced the EFSL Logo size.
  2. Added some space between description and ā€œcollaborationā€ line.
  3. Justified the content in description as shown, and kept a space between hero image and description.
  4. Please ignore the categories here because these are just dummy data I used in my localhost :upside_down_face:

If there are anymore changes do be done, Please leave a comment!


Yeah. Wonā€™t be able to help as of now. Going through the threads and code. Will actively contribute after getting a better understanding. Hope thatā€™s not an issue.

PS: It would be great if I can get a small walk-through so that I can speed up the process and contribute more.

Thank you! This looks good for now(1st phase).

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@jaye what components are we handling on the 2nd phase?

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We created a separated thread for that @janithRS

If anyone needs any non-tech related help for UX work like UI testing, dbase upload data entry etc.: let me know happy to contribute :slight_smile:


@techTeam are you getting ready for launch? :rocket:

Academix phase 1 is deployed now. Sorry for the little delay. Data entry part is still on going, But weā€™ll finish it today. Thank you @techTeam @akshika47 @Minuri_Adasuriya For the support on academix. :slight_smile:

(Check out the academix project)

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Thank you so much for this Gimhan! This is def getting there. Looking at each of the pages, I notice the Language is not available under the elements that have been populated so far. Will Language be added in?

Also, I feel like there is alot of wasted white space in each of the pages and the font looks very small on Desktop. The mobile view looks really good!!! I think we should include a hover text for each of the Categories i.e. Play & Learn, Local Curriculum etc.: so people know what is included under each category. I can provide this to you if you are able to include the hover text.


@Minuri_Adasuriya For the phase 1 we didnā€™t add the languages yet. and we should definitely make changes in the UI as you said. As soon as we finish fixing bugs in the current status weā€™ll move on to phase 2 quickly. Thank you! :relaxed:

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Thanks everyone. This is good progress and good job on delivering on time. Before we publicly launch the product I think we need to do some minor tweaks. I would echo @Minuri_Adasuriyaā€™s comments and following are some of my observations.

  1. O/L and A/L sections are empty. Are we filling them or would they be empty?
  2. Navigation in sub sections are missing. There is no proper way to come back to the main page other than pressing back button.
  3. There needs to be more spacing from the bottom
  4. Text on the description and the hero image are not aligned.
  5. I think we should move everything to the first page(This step would negate my suggestion #2)

What do you think @Gimhan_minion? Donā€™t accept everything I suggest as I am no web-dev expert. Please make counter arguments/suggestions.


@akshika47 Sorry for the data entry delay. We had to add data one-by-one. :sweat_smile: Anyway Data entry part is done too! Iā€™ll just reply to your suggestions in order,

  1. This was empty because of delay in data entry & issue in the URL. But itā€™s fixed now!
  1. We should definitely add a ā€œbackā€ button.
  1. In this case the answer is a ā€œfooterā€ I guess. We should try to make the header & footer in academix just as in the other pages.
  1. Ummā€¦ Can you please explain this a bit. I didnā€™t get the point :grimacing:
  1. This should be a group discussion. My personal opinion is not to bring everything in the homepage itself. There are some sub-categories with 30-40 items. Altogether we have 250+ items. But definitely we should come up with a solution to remove the empty white spaces. Weā€™ll have a discussion in this thread itself. @techTeam

Thank you! :hugs:


Wonderful @Gimhan_minion and the team! This is more than I expected! :heart_eyes:

This is a great achievement! Thanks All who work hard to publish this version.
Special thanks go to @Gimhan_minion who leads the team by creating plans, timelines, and doing a bunch of things to make this a success. :partying_face:
Iā€™m so thankful for @YohanAvishke who took the weight of the backend and guiding the team. Also, thank you very much @Gravewalker and @piumal1999 who worked hard on the backend along with @yohan :ok_hand:
Last but not least, thanks @anjisvj, the hero of the frontend! :sunglasses:

And thanks @akshika47 & @Minuri_Adasuriya as always, guiding the team on the correct path. :orange_heart:

Letā€™s continue the discussion, and release the v2 with more exited features!! :star_struck:


@jaye could you test the Academix page on safari? It seems the EFSL logo is not responsive.

@Gimhan_minion following back on my suggestions.

  1. Text on the description and the hero image is not aligned. : We can ignore that for now. but please check the EFSL logo on a safari browser.

  2. I think we should move everything to the first page(This step would negate my suggestion #2): I was not suggesting to display everything at once but to have a responsive approach. Nevertheless, this is something to discuss further.

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@Gimhan_minion let me know the next steps for the AcadeMiX page.

Ah yes. Thereā€™s an issue.

@techTeam please fix the following issues before launch.

  • responsiveness of the EFSL logo
  • Extra white space problem: There is a lot of white space in items and subcategories and sub-subcategories. Few options that you can do to fix this 1) increase the text size 2) reduce the size of those elements. 3) add an icon 4) combination of everything. @janithRS @miluckshan-j suggestions?
  • Adding a footer and add proper spacing between elements in the landing page

@Minuri_Adasuriya @jaye any other urgen changes before launching?

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Agree with Akshika, also moving the content one layer up, Iā€™m not sure which thread thiswas shared on but the way our FAQs in our website is displayed is great -is it possible to follow that format at the Local curriculum/play&learn sub categories? This might solve the spacing issue