Updates for the week 2020-06-13T18:30:00Z → 2020-06-19T18:30:00Z
@YohanAvishke @jaye @Gravewalker @anjisvj @Gimhan_minion
- Held a code review for admin APIs.
- Held a code review for Item admin Dashboard.
- Added ESFL logo to the site.
- Changed Admin APIs to return the created Entity when calling create APIs.
- Created two new APIs to,
- To get one Item by Id.
- To get all SubCategories.
- And finalized Item admin Dashboard.
- Fixed issue with Category names not displaying in the Site.
- Fixed issue with URLs when containng specail characters.
- Deployed Academix Backend and Frontend to the testing server.
- Finalized data entry to the Academix Database.
- Added CI/CD for the Core and Academix frontend.
Next steps
- Coming up with a proper design to display Categories, SubCategories, and Items while focusing on reducing number of steps to reach an Item.
- Create a feature on the site to let Users go back from,
- Discuss on adding a Footer the site.
Related updates
SEF Site
- Fixed issue with the Learn More button on Onelive page.
- Fixed responsiveness of the element displaying the site’s mentors section.
Next steps
- Develop the redesigned Students, Experts, Volunteers section
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