SchoalrX platform v1: Progress evaluation

Hi all,
As we discussed in the last week’s standup we are going to have a weekly call to evaluate the development progress of the ScholarX platform.

Meeting info for the next call:

Time: 2020-10-21T15:00:00Z
:calling: Join info:
:link: Helpful links for the call:

What to discuss?

  • Review the following tasks,
    • Program API
    • Fixing the identified bugs of the existing APIs
    • API Documentation
    • Completing the dummy UIs
    • Apply as a Mentor UI
    • Load programs on the homepage
    • Change the state of a program
    • Add/edit a program
  • Planing the task for the next iteration

@akshika47 @Minuri_Adasuriya @shyamal @Saumiyaa_P1 You are welcome to the call if you could make time. (Sorry for the last minute notice)

cc: @EngTeam

Mid week update on 2020-10-21T03:00:00Z


@Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke, @jaye, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Gimhan_minion



Next Steps

  • Delete Program API - Add a JSON response payload
  • Swagger documentation: fix the request and response payloads
  • Consider about the user validations in the endpoints at a later point
  • Change the program state MENTEE_APPLY to MENTEE_APPLICATION
  • DB changes
    • Add a column for mentor application
    • Rename questionnaire to the prerequisite


  • @miluckshan-j completed the dummy UIs
  • @Gravewalker Completed the change state functionality of a program
  • @Gravewalker created a docker image for the backend
    • Created PODs for MySQL and the backend
    • Trying to setup KONG
  • Anjula couldn’t start the add/edit program view.
    • Extended the deadline to 25th October
  • Gimhan has sent a PR for apply as a mentor view (dummy UI)

Next Steps

  • Complete manage mentor and mentee views
  • @anjisvj complete the Add/Edit program
  • @Gimhan_minion change the apply as a mentor UI according to the new wireframe

@YohanAvishke please add the backend tasks to the timeline.

@Gravewalker The manage mentor and mentee views are assigned to two different persons in the timeline. I think those two tasks can be done by a single person because both tasks are the same.

To avoid duplication, let’s assign it to a single person.

The following tasks were reviewed in the Weekly Standup 24/10/2020


  • @piumal1999 has completed the Database changes
  • @YohanAvishke developed the API documentation
    • Mentor mentee and user API details yet to be added to the postman
  • @YohanAvishke and @piumal1999 is planning to have a call tomorrow regarding the changes in the pending PR
  • Next Steps
    • Decide and create issues for pending APIs of mentor and user.
    • Merge the user APIs PR


  • @anjisvj Completed the Add and edit program. Had a great demo!
  • @Gimhan_minion completed apply as a mentor and started working on manage mentor
  • Next Steps
    • @Gimhan_minion finish the mentor listing
    • @anjisvj Complete the apply/edit mentor application with a mock API
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Friendly reminder that the next evaluation call is today.

Time: 2020-10-28T15:00:00Z
:calling: Join info:
:link: Helpful links for the call:

What to discuss?

  • Review the following tasks,
    • Pending APIs of mentor and user
    • API gateway and authentication
    • List mentees and mentors in the admin views
    • Apply/edit mentor application
    • Manage mentors functionality
  • Planing the task for the next iteration

Looking forward to seeing you there!
@Gimhan_minion @Gravewalker @YohanAvishke @piumal1999 @miluckshan-j @anjisvj

These are the notes from the meeting,


@Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke, @jaye, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Gimhan_minion @miluckshan-j


  • Finish apply as a mentor and mentee APIs
  • Introduced new APIs to program
  • The API Gateway task is extended until 14th November
    • In case we were unable to achieve the deadline a mitigation plan is to temporarily develop the authentication using spring security.
  • Next Saturday:
    • Merging the mentor APIs


  • Miluckshan finished the delete mentee view.
  • @anjisvj completed the following
    • Load mentors in the manage mentor view
    • Load mentees in the manage mentee view (admin)
  • Next Saturday:
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The following tasks were reviewed in the Weekly Standup 31/10/2020


  • Completed the user APIs are
  • @piumal1999 The Mentee APIs are completed and ready to be merged
  • @Gravewalker setup kong and our backend in minikube and it seems to work fine
  • Next Wednesday
    • Get the selected mentor
    • Map the backend service to the ingress controller
    • Heshan add subtasks for the time


  • @anjisvj - Listed the mentees of a program
  • Next Wednesday -
    • Anjula
      • Create a thread for the mentee application
      • Complete the dummy UI of the app
    • Miluckshan
      • Complete the manage mentor functionality
    • Gimhan
      • Complete the list mentees functionality
      • Create a hive thread with the requirement
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These are the notes from the today’s progress evaluation call,
When: 2020-11-04T15:00:00Z
Attendees: @jaye, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Gimhan_minion @miluckshan-j


  • Api Gateway
    • Installed kong. & mapped the api service
    • Blocker - can’t access through the kongingress controller
    • Add setup instruction on hive
  • Mentor api is now merged
  • Piumal is working on the mentee API will send the PR
    • Stuck on the multiple mentee
    • Discussed to introduce new state to reselect mentees


  • Anjula
    • Fix the requested changes and update the listing PR
    • Planning to complete the mentee
  • Miluckshan
    • Complete the manage mentor functionality end to end for each states
  • Gimhan
    • Created the thread - Update
    • Panning to finish the listing mentees of a mentor

These are the notes from the today’s progress evaluation call,
When : 2020-11-10T18:30:00Z
Where :
Attendees : @jaye, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Gimhan_minion, @miluckshan-j, @Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke


  • Pr for mentee APIs sent
  • Blocker with listing mentees of a mentor
    • Decided to add profile with big id as a workaround
    • Regarding GeneratedValue
  • Admin API to get mentors of a mentee : not a priority
  • Next Saturday
    • Review mentee api PR
    • Piumal - implement the Mock user APIs


  • Manage Mentees of a Mentor
  • Implementing the mange mentees functionalities
  • Request for a mentor in a certain program
  • Manage mentors for all states
  • Next Saturday:
    • Review Manage mentors PR
    • Making the accept, reject buttons to work @Gimhan_minion
    • Completing request for mentors end to end @anjisvj

Friendly reminder that the next evaluation call is today.

Time: 2020-11-18T14:00:00Z
:calling: Join info:
:link: Helpful links for the call:

What to discuss?

  1. Mock user authentication
    1. Backend implementation
    2. Frontend integration
  2. API requests on Manage mentees and program view
  3. 204 responses – will it break existing UIs?
  4. Code review on Manage mentors UI
  5. Code review on Mange mentees UI
  6. Program view

Looking forward to seeing you there!
@Gimhan_minion @Gravewalker @YohanAvishke @piumal1999 @miluckshan-j @anjisvj

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These are the notes from the today’s progress evaluation call,
When : 2020-11-18T14:00:00Z
Where :
Attendees : @jaye, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Gimhan_minion, @miluckshan-j, @Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke

  • Mock user authentication

    • Piumal sent the PR
    • Add the Introspection endpoint
  • API requests on Manage mentees and program view

    • Mentor and Mentee APIs won’t work (Rejecting enums JSON)
    • Fixing the Manage mentees and Manage mentors API
  • 204 responses – will it break existing UIs?

  • Code review on Manage mentors UI

    • Disable the buttons instead of hiding
    • Blocker with the approve/reject endpoint
    • Change the clicked button color(blue one)
    • Component name change: ManageMentees
      • use the same name as the directory name
    • approve/reject mentee Request Body should be a boolean value: “isApproved”
    • Remove id from approve mentee
    • Use a components/ directory
    • Add the datatype of the ‘action’ variable - react node
    • Rename “dynamicComponent” variable
    • Use if else to render the dynamicComponent instead of the switch case
    • Rename tagComponent
    • Instead of Item use mentee in list item
    • Update the routes (“programs/id/…”)
    • Use a single function to approve and reject mentee
  • Code review on Mange mentees UI

    • Change the action button
    • Add todo commands
    • Create components subdirectory
    • Add datatypes to props
    • Don’t use ‘any’ data type
  • Program view

    • Update route /programs/id/… (check get mentor profile endpoint)