Welcome Everyone 
This thread is for everyone who wishes to join the Web-Squad. The main focus is to methodically organize the website, to help students to connect with industry experts and academics around the world.
Weāll be having a weekly call to discuss sprints, tasks, objectives of the SEF-Site. In order to do that, we have to come up with a date to organize a weekly call.
These are the available dates for the standup.
Please select your availability to have our weekly meeting.
- Monday 7.00p.m
- Tuesday 7.00p.m
- Wednesday 7.00p.m
- Thursday 7.00p.m
- Friday 7.00p.m
Hello Everyone,
Weāve decided to have the weekly Web-Squad stand up on Friday 7.00 p.m
Iāll update the meeting link later.
Anyone whoās interested is welcome to join 
Hereās the meeting link for the standup:
SEF-WebSquad Weekly StandUp
FridayĀ· 7:00 ā 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/awa-fkxg-ssd
2021-07-08T18:30:00Z ā 2021-07-15T18:30:00Z
Attendees: Gajindu, Heshan, Janeth, Gimhan, Desira, Madhawa
- Heshan divided the upcoming work into following task sets
Task set 1
- Stop all the redesigning issues
Discuss pros and cons
We keep delaying the redesigning of the site due to various reasons,
Reason for the delay:
First up we thought we need to first gather all the data before moving into designing a system
But we can start redesigning by defining a design system properly
We will have the same bootstrap site without any further enhancements until we finish the redesign, make a plan, and start developing the new site with the new design.
Redesign the site properly before moving it further dev or enhancements - Make a design system
Colour system
Layout (Sizing and spacing)
Task set 2
Gajindu will lead the JSON migrating task and finish it within this week
Heshan & Janeth will look into existing design systems. & Suggested that using Figma for mockups would be nice.
Gimhan will focus on the IRC mindmap and the overall project.
Gajindu will focus on the upspeak page testimonial section.
P.S :- Sorry for doing this last minute, I totally forgot that I had to update the notes.
2021-07-22T18:30:00Z Meeting Notes
@akshika47, @Gajindu_Bandara, @Gimhan_minion, @Akeel_malik, @piumal1999, @DESIRA
Gajindu :
- Finished the Google sheet process
- Deleted unwanted json files
- Cloudinary migaration Ongoing
- Sent the PR for Upspeak testimonal - pending
- Another week to migrate everything to cloudinary
- Worked on 3 issues - merged (2019, 2020, 2021 ScholarX - mentors)
- Will help Gajindu with cloudinary migration
- Can work on issues
- Gajindu will create and assign some issues
- IRC - Will have another call with Dr.Gloria on monday
- Will mainly focus on IRC project
- Will get updates from Janeth and Heshan regarding the redesigning.
- Gave feedback on IRC mindmap
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2021-07-29T18:30:00Z Meeting notes
@Gravewalker, @Gimhan_minion, @jaye, @Janeth_Fernando
2021-08-05T18:30:00Z Meeting notes
Heshan, Akeel, Piumal,Desira, Jayasanka, Janeth, Gajindu, Gimhan, Pasindu
IRC page
- Jayasanka has made a few mockup User interfaces using figma and primer design language
- TODO: Gimhan Should get a feeback from Gloria, Minuri, Akshika and Ranojan
- Finalize the blog and the home
- TODO: Gimhan to check how to implement the blog
Scholarx page card issue
- The padding is missing
- Had a discussion
- Desira will have a look
Moving to google scripts
- The entire task is finalised
- Gajindu has put a PR to add a loading animation
- Should we put the animation to the whole page or to the body section?
- Itās better if we can only put the animation on initial load since we canāt do that we can put the animation only on those specific areas.
- The animations are a bit overkill??? discuss
- Replace the animation with a skeleton animation or just put a loading text
Dev Page:
- Making the footer - Akeel is working on it
- Best Practices button breaks in mobile view - Akeel is working on it
- Welcome PR
- Pasindu is working on implementing a Jekyll repo
2021-08-12T18:30:00Z Meeting Notes
Desira, Piumal, Heshan, Akeel, Gimhan, Pasindu
DEV Page
- Pasindu sent the PR initializing the welcome pr repository
- It was done using jekyll and can be hosted in the github pages to get the json output of the developer profiles
- Next week:
- Replace the dev page network call link with this one
- Have to enable github pages
- Akeel has made the footer and fixed the best practices button - PR sent
- Not merged
- Next week:
- Working on making the navbar responsive
- Desira fixed the FAQ section padding issue
- Next week :Heshan makes the update on the cloudinary sheets
2021-08-19T18:30:00Z Meeting notes
Piumal, Pasindu, Gajindu, Gimhan, Heshan
Dev Pages:
- Pasindu replaced the exisiting developers
- Update the PR template of Pull request repo
- Update the readme file
- Gajindu worked on IRC page pre loader
- Gajindu will continue the IRC project
2021-08-26T18:30:00Z Meeting notes
@Gimhan_minion, @Akeel_malik, @Gravewalker, @jaye, @Gajindu_Bandara
- Had a discussion regarding the meeting participation
- Next week:
- Contact ramitha and divya
Devs Page ,
Akeels update:
- Made the dev page footer
- Added the fontawesome icons
- Fixed the navbar best prac button breaking issue
- Build a seprate thing for the navbar for the mobile view with a hamburgur button
- Jaye suggested:
Next week:
- Designing the dev page mobile nav bar
- Planning on improving the dev page - Gajindu
- Task is to identify the requirements for the dev page
- Add stuff like,
- Blog posts
- Knowledge sharing sessions
- Meetings
- Projects
- Achievements
- Gajindus update:
- Finished the pre loader replacements
- There are some PRs to be merged
- Akeel created an issue to put commit and PR guidelines into the readme file
- The paragraph is huge, should be summarize to be put to the readme file
- Jaye suggested:
- Just put the link to the best practices page
- Gimhan had a call with Gajindu
- Gajindu handed it over to Pasindu to take over
- Has to introduce Pasindu to Gloria
- Next week:
- Come up with a plan for the requirement gathering
@Gravewalker, @DESIRA, @Gajindu_Bandara, @piumal1999, @Janeth_Fernando, @Pasindu_Rupasinghe
- SEF-Site
Janeth merged some PRs
Upspeak testimonials page was fixed by pratheek - gimhan merged it
Gajindu sent PRs for preloaders
Desira has been working on the issue to fix the featured stories section for scholarx summer page
Having some issues hiding the section
The issue was not with the endpoint but the returned data wasnāt loaded properly into the html file
Desira is working on it
Janeth will update the issue
- Dev page
Pasindu had a call with Dr.Gloria , Ranojan, Jayasanka and Heshan.
For this week Pasindu has to make a skeleton for the SRS and share it with Dr.Gloria.
October 1, 2021 Meeting notes
@Gravewalker, @Akeel_malik , @Gajindu_Bandara , @Pasindu_Rupasinghe , @piumal1999
1.Communication method
Dev Badges:
SEF Site:
Akeel and Gajindu had a conversation on this
Footer is not identical in all the places
There is a pull request pending by janeth - It was for a different issue
Sizes and the colours are not consitant throughout the site - Create a new issue
In the home page testamonial section is needs a redesigning -Gajindu is working on it
Color for the Sustainable Education Foundation text in home page - Akeel
Upspeak card is missing in the home page - Akeel is woking in it
Ask minuri for the project card number
Redirection issue in IRC page
Fix the issue
Open links in new tabs
DEV Page:
For next week -
Gajindu is working on dev page and the home testimonial section
Akeel is working on the SEF page and the Upspeak cards
Review and merge Janeths PR
Akeel is assigned to make the issue for the footer
Pasindu will work on the footer afterwards
Friday 8th October 2021 Meeting Notes
@Gravewalker @Pasindu_Rupasinghe @piumal1999 @Gajindu_Bandara
SEF Site:
Gajindu worked on Homepage Testimonial
Need to review the PR
Merged during the meeting
Pasindu worked on Project Card
Need to get the content
Fix Homepage colours
Akeel was working on it
Changed the DEV team to Engineering Team
DEV Page:
Gajindu created a figma design
Need to change the button style
Badges section is alright
Remove knowledge sharing session card button
Remove the text part
The whole card can be used as the button
Achievements section is good
Ongoing projects:
Describe the projects instead of only showing the logo
Come up with a good way
No need to complete the whole design withing the week
Section by section
Choose 2 or 3 sections and focus on those
For next week -
Sef site
Akeel is working on the home page color fixing
Pasindu is working on the UpSpeak project card
Dev page
Gajindu is working on designing the sections of the dev page
Planning to take meeting with Pasindu, Jayasanka and Heshan
Friday 15th Oct
@Akeel_malik, @Gajindu_Bandara, @Pasindu_Rupasinghe @piumal1999
Logo for the Engineering Team
- Demo Logo discussed, to be decided in the saturday call
SEF site -
Pasindu created a upspeak card
PR was merged
Discussed about the color of the āSustainable Education Foundationā on the index page
SEF Logo - (Sustainable Education Foundation part) is not much visible in navbar
Onelive page:
Need to remove the imoji image
Need to fix section colors
Project card order
Someone sent a Pull request
Ask him to add the missing details
Close the PR and assign someone else if no response
Testiminials section
Gajindu will check for a better design
Check with rounded edges
DEV page-
Can we use the exisiting profile section?
Gajindu updated the design
Blog section
Projects Section
Knowledge sharing
Best practises
Need to think about the mobile view when designing
Favicon is missing
Do we need to add engineering term
Friday 22nd Oct
@Akeel_malik @Gravewalker @piumal1999
Had a discussion about the Logo design
Akeel went through the SEF goals documentation- make a thread and update on slack
merged the PR for the navbar
Piumal made a separate issue for cards order of projects
Akeel made 2 issues
1. Footer consistency
2. Remove emoji on onelive page
- Dev Page
- Gajindu made a few changes to the design-have to forward Figma design to Heshan
Next week
change padding on testimonial session to 32px from 64px- task unassigned(issue to be made)
Re-arrange the Home page
Add shadows to the testimonial cards
Finalize the design for the title
Have to make issues for each of the mentioned issues above
Friday 29th Oct
@Akeel_malik @Gajindu_Bandara @Pasindu_Rupasinghe
Pasindu fixed the footer visual bug in the one-live page
Testimonial section-Jaye has to provide the details-Gajindu
Pratheek fixed the checkbox for the scholarX mentors- merged
Hive thread for new information make-Akeel
Slack discussion started for new information-Akeel
Relocated the Join us button on the home page - an issue made
Akeel talked with Ramitha and Akshika - details not received yet
Box shadows added for the testimonial issue made
Testimonial section background color changed to white
- Gajindu took a call with Jaye
- Created a new Figma document with the Github primer components
- The theme for the DEV page has to be decided -dark or light
- Badges discussion with Gajindu And Akeel
- Discussed the current quotes on the Dev page
- stakeholder research analysis done by Pasindu - to be updated in the HIVE thread
Next week-
Theme has to be decided for the Dev page
Gajindu further enhances the Dev-page
Discussion has to be done for the page details-WED-updates
IRC research submission for
Friday 26th Nov 2021
@Gravewalker @Gajindu_Bandara @Pasindu_Rupasinghe @Madhawa @jaye
SEF site
Piumal had reviewed some PRs
Gajindu worked on a PR on the home page testimonial shadows
There are some issues available on the site
Those issues should be assigned to new contributors
Madhawa had some issues on the latest PR created by Piumal (#1142) and came up with some blockers on that
Dev page
Next week
Madhawa is working on an issue on the site
Document the new updates on the Dev page design on the hive thread
Going through the Strapi documentation
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@Gravewalker @Akeel_malik @Madhawa @piumal1999 @Gajindu_Bandara
10 December 2021
Heshan, Gajindu, Akeel, Piumal, Madhawa
Akeel had a discussion with Akshika
General public not getting an overall idea about SEF
Web site is user friendly only for the people who have a rough idea
Making a new document with the details (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iNhqkCapKu1ZlkrmYpMacPiv8hsuUJC3oi4HrFbOQvM/edit)
Dev Page
Unassigned and left open by Gajindu
SEF Certificates
Gajindu was able to setup Strapi on Heroku
Move to sef account
Create the collection for USR
Fields: Date, Id, Name
API to get the JSON object when the id is given as param
Create a directory in sef-site (usr) and integrate the API with template
Use a copy of fellowship
Next week:
Akeel will update the thread and extract information and further enhance the info to be added to the website
Heshan will review the āWhy you should join sef section, come up with a way to input the data into the websiteā
Madhawa will work on āOur journey so farā section, (update the slide, get the pic and make the issue and display in the website)
(New hire induction - Google Slides)
Madhawa: USR certificate directory for sef-site
@Akeel_malik @piumal1999 @Madhawa @Gajindu_Bandara
Friday 17th Dec 2021
Had a discussion about the new site content
Akeel updated the HIVE thread
Madhawa will update the hive thread - ask missing info
Gajindu worked on the strapi API & Madhawa is working on the PR for that
Next week:
(Gajindu has completed in halfway) Akeel will make the issue open for someone to continue the work from there
- Heshan will get ideas to put the gathered content into the website in a creative way
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24 december 2021
@Gravewalker @Madhawa @piumal1999 @Akeel_malik
Had a discussion in general meeting
Discussed some bug fixes
IRC blog links- target _blank addition
Testimonials are outdated
Jaye is collecting new testimonials
Approved the āOur journey so farā section
Madhawa will be working on the design
In home page - after the projects section
Student/Expert/Volunteer section
Akeel- create an issue to add the bullet points
Gajindu and Madhawa completed the Strapi API issue and got it merged
Home page: hero section
Switch the 2 lines