ScholarX platform v2

Since the v1 is ready for the pilot programme. We can start working on the v2 using Dr Gloria’s mind map.
Here’s the link to that. I break down the tasks into sections referring to the mind map. Here’s the task list.


Thanks for initiating the task @anjisvj . But I’m having access issues with the task list. Can you please check the link?

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sorry my bad, try now

Nice job @anjisvj . Is develop page gonna be accessible by anyone?

develop is not a page. it’s the things that we need to do before starting development. Meanwhile, we can start prototyping and requirement gathering. @YohanAvishke

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This is the document we created to find the goals of stakeholders:

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@anjisvj Could you please initiate a thread for the February Edition? No need to be fully detailed but include the relevant documents and a high level idea of what we are doing. Describe “What” we are trying to do, not “How”.

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