Welcome to the ScholarX Squad 🕶

2021-07-17T18:30:00Z - 2021-07-24T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @Gravewalker, @anjisvj, @piumal1999

  • @cmdrGuyson fixed new LinkedIn user issue, → added a default profile pic if it’s null

  • @kumuditha_udayanga working on putting the emails of the mentees and mentors into the UI

  • Even a label to mark them approved or rejected was added in the same pr

  • Fixed the crash on mentee application, request mentor UI

  • Manage application button was showing for mentors in a wrong state @kumuditha_udayanga had fixed that one too

  • @piumal1999 worked and finished the task to prevent mentors from editing application after mentor application state

  • @Neith was working on adding the manage button into the active programs tab

  • We released another minor bugfix version

  • New changes are not in the deployed version have to release another version get it to the latest update

ScholarX Pilot plan

  • @Dharana_J had added a few questions to the scholarx draft template

  • Need to reformat the document

Next step:

  • Showing mentee emails for a mentor in the mentor dashboard needs to be done

  • From next week we can move into developing version 2

  • Before going into development we have to do a couple of things,

  • @anjisvj has created a google sheet containing all the information

  • ScholarX platform v2

  • Create a poll for choosing the best OAuth2 service