Redesigning the "Students, Experts, Volunteers" Section

@Minuri_Adasuriya @akshika47 @piumal1999 below is the updated student section. Please feel free to provide feedback.

Join our “OneLive” sessions featuring industries’ leading experts as well as scholars, where you will be able to directly interact with the specialists themselves, and gain insight on paving the most viable path for your career. These interactive Facebook Webinar sessions are perfect for any student who requires that spare bit of guidance into crafting the perfect career path for them.

SEF also hosts “ScholarX”, where students can get acquainted with industry experts and academics on one to one mentoring sessions, all while getting exposed to postgraduate and internship opportunities as well as potential job prospects.

SEF believes that Sri Lankan researchers are not receiving the courtesy they deserve. That’s why we decided upon creating ‘The International Research Council’ (IRC); a community which exhibits the work of Sri Lankan researchers, as well as giving them a digital platform to connect with their fellow concurring scholars who are also pursuing research projects across the globe.

Gain access to a library of free online educational material, as with our AcadeMix program we cater to all students from primary to post graduate education, giving you a chance to further polish your skill set and expand your knowledge.