Revamping the current SEF Site

Hello Everyone!

As a user of the SEF site, I looked into the current SEF site and the SEF portfolio to develop some suggestions to improve the SEF site in terms of user experience, improve visibility, and showcase our projects and results.

I have linked the related document, and I’m looking forward to hearing more suggestions and comments about this.
Suggestions on Improving the Current SEF Website.

Moreover, I open up this thread to discuss a method to visualise all the OneLive sessions to make them complete and ideal… I’m waiting to hear your ideas on this :smiley:


Thank you @Divya for these suggestions. @Janeth_Fernando can you work with Divya to update the OneLive page? I presume she is already working on preparing the missing data of OneLives we have done.

Thank you very much for the suggestions @Divya. We can go through these ideas and come up with a plan to improve the website.
Sure @akshika47 I will work with @Divya to update the OneLive page.


Hi all,
A couple of weeks ago there was a suggestion to create a new page for the developers at SEF. In this page we can include all the activities that the developers do. Eg:- We can include the knowledge sharing sessions, open-source projects, a link to the developer’s blog posts etc. I created a mock page for the developers.

Things I changed:- In the navbar I changed the teams link to as community. The community has been divided into two sections.

  1. Lead community
  2. Development team

The lead community page will contain the same data which we had on the teams page.

The new development team page will look like the following.

In order to develop this page further, I need your opinions and suggestions as well.

Thank you,

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