Maintaining consistency in SEF website

Hi all :hugs:
Last week I had a discussion with @janithRS and came up with some current issues on the SEF website. And I had a discussion with @Janeth_Fernando regarding the implementation and development of the above issues. We came up with some important points that needed to be considered, and it’ll be great if we have some feedback and suggestions.

1. Using the same vector type for each and every project
We should come up with the same vector type for each project. For example, if we take OneLive and ScholarX, Onelive has a larger vector while the others have a smaller image. We thought it’ll be nice if we use something similar to Onelive page in other projects too.

2. Routing issues
As an example when we consider OneLive page and IRC page, the Onelive page shows its link as and the IRC page shows it as
Let us know if you have a good suggestion for this

3. Removing the logo from the project heading
Currently, ScholarX page has its logo as the heading of that relevant page. We decided to change it to text on every page to maintain consistency. So it’ll be something similar to this.

4. Justify project description
On some pages, the project description is left aligned. That looks kinda ugly and unprofessional. So we thought it’s better to Justify the project description.

5. Adding learn more buttons
On Onelive and Student Ambassador pages, there is a learn more button. But in the rest of the pages, there isn’t. So we thought to add Learn More buttons on every page to make all of them look similar.

5. FAQ dropdown font color
Most of the FAQ sections has black as its dropdown text color.

We thought it’ll be nice if we use the same colors as on OneLive page

6. Irregular Footer in Homepage
The footer on the homepage is bigger than the others. We should either make every footer large or make the homepage footer smaller.

**Extra Suggestions**

  1. Link Github leaderboard, Slack & discourse groups to the website
  2. Use a handwritten type font for the FAQ section
  3. Popup reference link when hovering in (Press coverage section - HomePage)

@janithRS @Janeth_Fernando Please update the thread if I’ve missed some points.

Let us know your thoughts!!! It’ll be really helpful for development purposes.
Thank you!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Redesigning SEF site