Getting more ScholaX Featured Articles in the sef-site

Hello Everyone!

I think we can have more Featured Articles in the sef-site as it in the Scholarx 2022 Page.

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So tell me you suggestions @EngTeam @akshika47 @anjisvj @jaye

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Thank you @YoshithaRathnayake for working on this. @Ashen_Hirantha can we get some new blog articles to add to this section?


Sure, have sorted out few articles already, will send the links to them


Great! Thank you! @Ashen_Hirantha

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Check the sheet tab “Mid-Program Mentees…” in where I have the details and links to the article for 6 short-listed mentees. You can start with this I guess. If you require I will select few more articles as well


Thank you! @Ashen_Hirantha.

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@YoshithaRathnayake These article links are loaded from a google sheet. I can give you access to it. Can you update it?

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Sure @anjisvj, I will update it