Updating the Landing Page

Can you explain it little more? @akshika47

So these are our stats, but they are related to a project. Just see if there is a represent both together. Just an idea, I am not exactly sure how it would look like.

I will design the component with stats and post it within next two days. :blush: @akshika47

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Here are some of the cards I designed. please let me know your thoughts especially on stats.

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Thank you for the quick turnaround. @janithRS what are your thoughts?

One immediate comment is the font. We need to use a better font and its formatting. The one we have in the website is not soothing to the eye for some reason. I like the first one(me being a minimalist and all :smiley: ). I like the division that you have in the last image. It could be used in conjunction with the first design.

@anjisvj I also think. Spacing between sections should be improved a bit more. Like in the first design. There is not much space between the logo and the description. Therefore, the focus should be on formatting. Even the font might look better when the correct spacing between section, font size and other font formatting are adjusted.

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Sure I’ll look into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also better if we could justify-align the description. Also +1 for @akshika47’s point on spacings.

You can get some inspiration here:


I think the Unit also should be with the value,


1000+ hours

of Mentoring provided via…

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I personally like the 3rd card design. We need to put some attention to spacing there. And Yes like jayasanka said we need to highlight the headings and all and if we can reduce overall font sizes relative to the card size to give the content some breathing space :yum:

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Thanks guys :blush:I will make the changes.

@akshika47 @everyone what is the suitable position for this section on the landing page?
(‘Our mentors and speakers are from’ section)

Just after the hero image.

This is the one i created

This is great. I added some comments on the PR about spacing between logo and on the sub text.


@piumal1999 @anjisvj how is the landing page coming up?

I sent a PR to merge the currently done parts.

@anjisvj is working on the projects section. There were some issues with logos and text sizes. @anjisvj can you put your update here.

Cool! Try getting @miluckshan-j on board for design work.

There was some issue when It comes to sizing logos and aligning them with the rest of them. I will figure it out soon.