Releasing ScholarX v1.0

Hello there,

Since we have passed the deadline for the ScholarX platform, we need to come up with a solid plan to release the first MVP. As we discussed at our last general meeting, having a working MVP is very essential to test the main functionality to decide what are changes needed to be done in the flow.

According to my understanding, we have completed all the functional requirements so far. The only blocking part is this architectural design and the performance improvements, which are non-functional requirements that we should not let them drag the release of the first version. The most important thing is having a working product that has all the functional requirements.

@YohanAvishke @Gravewalker @EngTeam Can you come up with a plan to release it within the upcoming two weeks?

One of the possible solutions is releasing a version along with merging the auth server and the resource server into a single application. Then we can deploy the frontend and backend in two Heroku dynos. (need to test whether the session works in two different hosts) Then it will give us some time to experiment with the architecture on a parallel branch.

Related Threads:

cc: @akshika47 @Minuri_Adasuriya @Dharana_J


I completely agree with this statement. My suggestion is to create a new branch to merge the auth-server and resource server.
According to my understanding there should not be any issues to merge the two server. And since all the necessary code is in the repo. This task will not take more than a week.
@anjisvj can you have a look into the codebase and identify all the necessary steps and list them down, so we can begin a new Sprint.


sure I will do that. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Deploying the frontend

I managed to deploy the frontend on Heroku. I had to make some changes in order to get it to work. For now, the hosted branch is my forked branch, I will send the PR tonight.

I will create a contstants.ts file and create an API_URL const so we don’t have to update the every file when the API URL changes.

Here’s the PR:

I will change the branch once this got merged.

Next Step:

  • Deploy the backend

Thanks for the quick update @anjisvj. You have done an excellent job on the progress of the task. :smiley: :clap: I have approved the PR but don’t have permission to merge. @jaye can you please merge this?


You are a lifesaver @anjisvj !! Thanks for getting this done! :heart_eyes:

@YohanAvishke Do we need to merge this into master?


I managed to host the backend also. Yay! :partying_face: