Meeting Notes 2022-06-10T18:30:00Z
Attendees: @Gravewalker, @jaye, @anjisvj, @piumal1999, @YaiyaSam, @akshika47, @DESIRA
@anjisvj created a Github action to deploy the ScholarX app to heroku
Updated the timeline on the ScholarX page
Sorted the manage menter table
Worked on clearing the branches
Blocker: Kumuditha’s PR
Wired the custom email sender
Anjula requested changes
- Was working on the email client.
- Started working on ScholarX documentation
Next week:
@anjisvj :
Fix the deplyoment script issue
Follow up with gajindu to set a deliverables
@Pasindu_Rupasinghe : Change the email implementation
Brushing up the branches
Help Anjula to fix the deployment
Update the PR
Coordinate with Gajindu to finish the documentation
- Work on the documentation
- Will work on issue:
- Will continue working on Fix UX of the apply as a mentee page