Engineering Team Weekly Stand Ups 2023

This thread is to be used to put engineering team standup notes

cc: @EngTeam


Meeting Notes 2023-01-21T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @anjisvj @piumal1999 @janithlahiru @kumuditha_udayanga @YaiyaSam @DESIRA

ScholarX 2023:

  • Check the possibility of using Google sign-in - @anjisvj
  • @kumuditha_udayanga start working on updating the settings page and initial logging popup to add the Linkedin link
  • @janithlahiru setup the project

ScholarX V2:

  • @piumal1999 will organize a follow-up call to discuss the changes

ScholarX Archive:

Next week:

  • Do the data restructuring part from the google sheet side
  • Refactor the code

Engineering page @Randila_Preamarathne

  • Created a draft PR with the implementation

Next week:

  • Get the PR merged
  • Start gathering the details for the google sheet


  • Had a discussion on GSoC session:
    • Next steps
      • Decide the speakers and invite them
  • @DESIRA Followup with @YoshithaRathnayake regarding the handbook updates
  • Get the weHuddle integration finished @YaiyaSam

Meeting Notes 2023-01-28T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @anjisvj @piumal1999 @janithlahiru @kumuditha_udayanga @tharindu_lakshan @jaye @DilinaBandara @dilankavishka @YoshithaRathnayake @Gajindu_Bandara

ScholarX 2023:

ScholarX V2:

GSoC session:

ScholarX Archive:

Next week:

  • Do the data restructuring part from the google sheet side
  • Refactor the code

Engineering page @Randila_Preamarathne

  • PR is completed

Next week:

  • Get the PR merged once the stories are there
  • Start gathering the details for the google sheet



  • weHuddle integration is finished @YaiyaSam next connect the custom domain

Meeting Notes 2023-02-04T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @anjisvj @piumal1999 @janithlahiru @kumuditha_udayanga @tharindu_lakshan @DilinaBandara @dilankavishka @YaiyaSam @Gravewalker @Randila_Preamarathne @Madhawa

Welcome back @Gravewalker!

ScholarX 2023:

Next week:

ScholarX V2:

  • The follow-up call was not held this week

GSoC session:

  • Speakers are invited

Next week:

  • Prepare the content and get ready
  • Contact kithmin to get a zoom link @jaye
  • Create the flyer @Madhawa @DESIRA
  • Share the flyer with a google form around social media

ScholarX Archive:

Next week:

  • Refactor the code

Engineering page @Randila_Preamarathne

  • Started gathering the details for the google sheet

Next week:

  • Get the PR merged once the stories are there



  • @YaiyaSam connected the custom domain for the weHuddle, There’s a CORS issue that needs to be fixed

Meeting Notes 2023-02-18T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @piumal1999 @DESIRA @janithlahiru @DilinaBandara @dilankavishka @Randila_Preamarathne @Madhawa

GSoC Session:

  • Desira sent the emails
    • Thanking emails to speakers
    • Session Recording for the registered people

ScholarX 2023

  • Anjula working on the Google Auth

  • Madhawa worked on the ScholarX 2023 page

    • Sent the draft PR.
    • Need to fix the Featured stories
    • @DESIRA will help with the content (descriptions)
    • Let’s merge the existing PR as soon as the featured stories section is fixed.
    • Improvements can be made later
  • @Piumal1999 deployed the platform (

  • @Randila_Preamarathne will start testing the existing platform

  • Get the user’s LinkedIn URL in login - @kumuditha_udayanga

ScholarX V2 - @Piumal1999

  • Had the call this week.
  • Created a sample user flow
  • Will update the V2 thread accordingly
  • Can start working on the wireframes and architecture

ScholarX Archive - @janithlahiru

  • Completed the cohort filters
  • Sent PR for industrial filters. Need to review
  • Next steps: Work on University filters



  • Deployed academix on and sef-core on
    • Need to restore the database
    • Used DBaaS
      • The free version allows only 1 db connection. Cannot connect to the DB separately if the sef-core is running. (same for scholarx)
      • Any suggestions for a better DBaaS provider?
      • We could use the digital ocean droplet, but it may reduce the performance of other applications
      • Follow up with suresh (regarding the server). @anjisvj @Gravewalker

Meeting Notes 2023-03-04T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @anjisvj, @piumal1999 @kumuditha_udayanga,@Gajindu_Bandara, @DilinaBandara, @JanithLahiru, @Randila_Preamarathne

Congratulations Madhawa and Janith!

Madhawa was promoted to SE!

Janith was promoted to Associate SE!

SX Archive

  • Added University filters (sef-site#1520)

  • Future improvements:

  • Cover Image

  • Description

  • Increase uni filter width height

  • Try lowercase

  • Show a message when no data

  • Left align

Success Stories

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ScholarX 23

Meeting Notes 2023-03-11T13:30:00Z

Attendees: @anjisvj, @kumuditha_udayanga, @Gajindu_Bandara, @DilinaBandara, @JanithLahiru, @Randila_Preamarathne, @DESIRA, @Methma_Peiris

SX Archive

  • University filter is added
  • Mentor and mentee profile modals are implemented
  • No results message PR is under review

Success Stories

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  • Dilina designed the skeleton cards and the PR will be sent

ScholarX 23

ScholarX v2

  • New required features were identified
  • Wireframes are needs to be updated