Dev Team Weekly StandUps 2020

Updates for the week 2020-10-17T18:30:00Z2020-10-23T18:30:00Z


@anjisvj @Gimhan_minion @Jaye @YohanAvishke @piumal1999



Had the progress evaluation on 2020-10-20T18:30:00Z


  • @piumal1999 has completed the following,

    • Database changes
    • Fixing backend directory structure
    • Created issues for the identified API bugs
  • @YohanAvishke developed the API documentation

    • Mentor mentee and user API details yet to be added to the postman
  • @YohanAvishke and @piumal1999 is planning to have a call tomorrow regarding the changes in the pending PR

  • Next tasks (by 25th)

    • Decide and create issues for pending apis of mentor and user.
  • Next week (by 28th)

    • Finalise mentor and user apis by merging the PRs.


  • @miluckshan-j completed the dummy UIs
  • @Gravewalker Completed the change state functionality of a program and working on setting up the API gateway
  • @anjisvj Completed the Add and edit program
  • @Gimhan_minion completed apply as a mentor and started working on manage mentor
  • Next tasks (by 25th)
    • finish the mentor listing
    • Complete the apply/edit mentor application with a mock API