SchoalrX platform v1: Progress evaluation

The following tasks were reviewed in the Weekly Standup 31/10/2020


  • Completed the user APIs are
  • @piumal1999 The Mentee APIs are completed and ready to be merged
  • @Gravewalker setup kong and our backend in minikube and it seems to work fine
  • Next Wednesday
    • Get the selected mentor
    • Map the backend service to the ingress controller
    • Heshan add subtasks for the time


  • @anjisvj - Listed the mentees of a program
  • Next Wednesday -
    • Anjula
      • Create a thread for the mentee application
      • Complete the dummy UI of the app
    • Miluckshan
      • Complete the manage mentor functionality
    • Gimhan
      • Complete the list mentees functionality
      • Create a hive thread with the requirement
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