Previously we tried using an AWS EC2 instance to deploy the ScholarX backend and frontend, but due to the CPU overloading issue we migrated it to heroku to deploy as a single app until we come up with a proper solution.
So what we have now is a single heroku instance integrated with github to deploy the ScholarX backend(which is with frontend static resources). It deploys automatically when a Pull Request to backend is merged. But everytime when the frontend updates, we have to sent a pull request to the backend with the updated static resources. To prevent this, we have to configure CI/CD to automatically build the frontend and deploy the backend with static files.
What I have done:
I have already updated the travis CI configuration to do the above task when a backend pr is merged and tested it in my private repository.
Next Steps:
Configuring the frontend to trigger a build in backend when a frontend pr is merged.
In the frontend, I updated the travis configuration to use a script ( to trigger a build in backend. So it calls the travis API to trigger the backend build.
The backend travis configuration is updated to do the following things:
Get a pull from frontend → Build the frontend → Copy the static files to the backend resources → Delete the remaining frontend files → Build the backend → Deploy to heroku
Sent both PRs.
Frontend PR: (Merged)
Backend PR:
PS: For heroku deployment, we should add the TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN (api key) to the backend travis configurations. It can be taken by using the Travis CLI. Already added that.
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There’s a permission problem with the TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN. I’ll fix to soon
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Fixed it. I had used the wrong key for the TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN.
In here the TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN (which is used to authenticate the travis api) is added to the frontend, and the API_KEY (which is used to authenticate Heroku deployment) is added to the backend
TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN - taken using Travis CLI
API_KEY - taken from heroku dashboard
It was suggested to use the master branch for the deployments in scholarx backend and frontend. So is it ok if I just create a pull request to master branch from deploy branch? (Since there’re no conflicts)
@YohanAvishke @Gravewalker
Draft PR link:
After releasing the minor version, the deployment fails because we haven’t provided the Gmail app authentication details. Can someone log into heroku and add the app password and email.
@anjisvj @Gravewalker @Gimhan_minion