Dev Team Weekly StandUps 2020

Updates for the week 2020-10-10T18:30:00Z2020-10-16T18:30:00Z


@Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke, @jaye, @Janeth_Fernando, @piumal1999, @miluckshan-j @anjisvj @Gimhan_minion



Next Step: Finishing the admin part of the web app end to end except for manage mentors and mentees part before 21st


  • Jayasanka tested the implemented APIs
  • Planning to finish the following by next Wednesday
    • Update the API docs
      • Fix URL paths
      • Add proper responses, params, and other relevant data
    • Program API
      • Edit program API
      • Remove the state params of Create/Edit Program state
    • Fix API bugs mentioned in this thread


  • Had a code review on @miluckshan-j work on,
    • add program,
    • edit program,
    • manage mentees,
    • manage mentors
  • Planning to finish the following end to end by next Wednesday,


  • Discussed to have a progress call for ScholarX weekly on Wednesday
  • Mailgun has removed the email routing feature, need to find a new mailing service. - @Gravewalker /@jaye
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