Granting Badges to Developers

Guys those who have sent one or more PR’s already to the SEF repositories and the ones who are willing to send PR’s,

As you might already know we are currently granting badges to the developers depending on their PR count and a few other facts, to get your badge please send a PR to the repository below with the required information.(which are included in the PR template)

sef-global/dev-welcome-pr: SEF Community Contributors Welcome Pull Requests (

Send the PR now! And get your badge which can be displayed in Linked in and other social media.



Also, you can add the badges received to the Licenses & certifications section in your LinkedIn profiles.

To do so follow the same steps that you would do when you add a certificate in Linked in and paste the URL which is provided to you via a message which is sent when the badge is granted (the URL of the badge page)

Follow the Screenshot for precise details,