Week from 2021-06-19T18:30:00Z → 2021-06-25T18:30:00Z
Attendees: @YohanAvishke , @jaye , @anjisvj , @Gravewalker , @piumal1999 , @Gimhan_minion , @Gajindu_Bandara , @Janeth_Fernando , Dilshan, Akeel, Navin , isuru, manoj
New contributors - IsuruSellaheva and Manoj
Sef Site
- Gajindu send the PR for the UpSpeak page
- Working on the testimonail section on upspeak page
- Google script JSON
- How is the latency when the images are uploaded to the google images
- Jaye: maybe we can use a image hosting service??
- It’s better if we can generate multiple images with different resolution
- Gimhan checked with google drive
- He created it using his personal google account is it alright to send the PR using that google sheet?
- Jaye: It’s alright but add sef google account as a owner too
- Janeth: The preview link is not working properly
- Janeth is to have a look
- Janeth is to ask about the dashboard from jaye
- Remove gitter link
- Remove template html from sef site
- Gimhan: Made a design for the irc page
- Presented the figma ui by janeth and gimhan
- Janeth and Gimhan discussed to have a seperate branch for IRC task and will break down the task into several minor issues (Updating the IRC researchers view - #7 by Gimhan_minion)
- Kumuditha fixed my mentor button
- Anjula worked on optimizing codebase
- Send PR for Destructing elements from props
- Looking into frontend component structures and seperating axios calls by anjula
- Suggetions for changing the directory structure
- Optimizing axios calls by moving them to utility directory
- Breaking the above task for several parts
- Anjula will continue to work on the axios call issue
- Email template
- Gimhan’s pr is merged
- Need to contact the scholarx team
- Can use multiple templates or conditional rendering
- Have a discussion to select one
- Dilshan’s task:
- can complete tommorow
- SchoalrX testing
- Still have the issue about authentication in unit tests
- Pause it for a moment
- Started a new task - Using Apache JMeter for stress testing
- Just for testing. No need to add to travis
- Can have a basic version for mentee, mentor flows within 2-3 days
- Still have the issue about authentication in unit tests