Creating Mentee API for ScholarX

I am assigned to create the API for ScholarX mentees. The requirements of the task are as follows:

This thread will be used for the rest of them also

As the first step, im working on the “Get the selected mentor” endpoint. And i hope to complete it by 2020-11-02T18:30:00Z

Related links:

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When working on this issue, i found some problems.
What will happen if a user applied for 2 mentors and both of them approved the user as a mentee?

(Do we have to reject the user’s other applications when the first mentor approved?)

@EngTeam @jaye @YohanAvishke

Thanks for initiating the thread @piumal1999!
Extremely sorry about the delayed reply. Did you find any solution?

By the way, there’s a similar discussion going here:

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I added a new programState as ‘MENTEE_CONFIRMATION’.

And changed this to
"Get the selected mentors’

Please review and merge


Here we have 2 endpoints to get the selected mentor and get applied mentors list.
But with the new Program State we need 3 endpoints.

  1. Get applied mentors (program/{programId}/mentee/mentors)
  2. Get approved mentors
  3. Get Selected mentor (program/{programId}/mentee/mentor)

So, for the second one, what kind of path is good?
@YohanAvishke @EngTeam

How about using the same endpoint because the lifecycle states doesn’t overlap? (we can send a query param if needed ex: states=approved)

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Ah right. That’s a good idea.

I updated my pull request with this change:

If there’s a different solution, I’ll remove that fix from the PR

Link to pull request:

Please review and merge