Welcome! Please introduce yourself! 🤗

Welcome to the SEF Hive! Please introduce yourself here to other visitors. Let’s get to know each other!


Hello there! My name is Jayasanka.
I’m passionate about programming! “Programming is rather like playing with Lego.” I believe in this quote! It’s fun to build things! :grin: I find great content in participating in activities and causes, within my domain, where I can help others.

Also, I like arts and crafts. I’m a creative person and like making things with my own. :hugs:
I love reading, so I’d always love hearing about the great books you’ve read.

I’ve been working with SEF since 2018 and currently working as the CTO. I’m a third-year undergraduate Software Engineering student from the IIT, Sri Lanka. Also, I’m working at entgra.io as an intern.


Hello, I’m Heshan Andrews.
I… well it’s hard to introduce myself. Because I always try not to define myself as anything. Anyhow since we are here and the title of this thread is called “Please Introduce yourself” I’d call myself a thinker. I think about stuff. I always try to be an observer. So that I can think about things in different perspectives.
I love walking. It doesn’t matter where. I like to immerse myself in observing stuff while walking. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Since you actually read this far, I assume that you really want to get to know me. Great! I read a lot, if we talk about genres I love to read fantasy fictions, non-fictions and I love to read books about psychology.
I’m a huge metal head, although I enjoy other music genres, It has always been my favourite.
Apart from those, I like to code and learn new technologies, languages, frameworks and all those tech-crap. It’s something that I find so satisfying to do.
I’m in my freshman year at UCSC studying computer science and I’m currently volunteering as a senior software engineer at SEF.


Hi @Gravewalker ! The best intro I’ve ever read! :star_struck:


Hello guys. I’m anjula.
When it comes to “introduce yourself” suddenly I can’t remember who I am was and what I like. :sweat_smile:I like cars I mean super cars and I like coding also. which is why I am here. I like to gain knowledge and new experience. For me its so hard to say who am I, and the ironic thing is I think I don’t know about me.I’ll let you guys know when I discovered that part.:smile: im going out of the topic. so i’ll stop right here.
I did A/L’s last year and currently l’m waiting for university intake. I’m currently volunteering as a software engineer at SEF. That’s it for now guys and stay safe. :hugs:


Hi @anjisvj! Nice introduction! We are waiting until you discover… :smile:

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Hi, I’m Osusara.
An undergraduate in Computing and Information Systems at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. Now I’m in 3rd year and I’m about to go for industrial training in a few weeks. I’m passionate about programming and designing. Also, I’m a YouTuber and I play guitar and sing :grin: My ambition is to build my career in the IT field. If I couldn’t I’ll do graphic designing. If it fails I’ll be a street singer :sunglasses: Currently, I’m a creative designer at SEF.


Hi, I’m Yohan Malshika.
I am a 3rd year undergraduate in Computing and Information Systems at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka . I like to learn new concepts, new technologies and trying to be a good software engineer with good attitude. Also I’m about to go for industrial training in a few weeks.
Also I like to write and read tech articles, watch TV series and movies :grin: , and actually i like to listening the musics and also I trying to singing the songs even if people Couldn’t listen it. :sweat_smile:
Currently, I’m volunteering as Software Engineer at SEF.


Welcome @Yohan and @osusara! :smiley:


Hi everyone! I’m Piumal.
I am a bit introverted person who likes to spend time with technical stuff. So I don’t like these “Introduce Yourself” parts much :sweat_smile:. I love it when others know about me before I introduce myself.
As I have previously mentioned, I love technical stuff like coding, writing algorithms, learning about new technologies, etc. So it’s a pleasure to work with you guys.
Music is one of the things I like most other than coding. Especially I like to listen to classical music and to play guitar. I’m not much good at playing guitar, but I enjoy it :grin:. Also, I like to read books, watch movies and tv series. Sci-fi, Thriller, Adventure are my favorite categories.
Currently, I am a first-year undergraduate at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya and also working as a Senior Software Engineer at SEF.
And… I think that’s enough for a brief introduction. So thank you guys for reading :star_struck:


Hello aliens,
I’m Janith, a final year undergraduate at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology. I’m working as the Chief Design Executive at Sustainable Education Foundation. I love coding and graphic design and I would love to share my knowledge.
Also, I am working as a Junior Software Engineer at Lanka Software Foundation.


Welcome @janithRS and @piumal1999!

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Hi everyone!,I am Bawantha Thilan. a software engineering student at Srilanka Institute Of Information Technology (SLIIT).Currently I’m in 3rd year. My fields of interest are software development , web development , UI/UX designing . I have special interests in the field of game developing and graphic designing and I love to talk with people, inspire things and learn new contents.Currently i’m a graphic designer at Mozilla Srilanka


Welcome @Bawantha_Rathnayaka :hugs:


Hi guys… I’m Nimesh.
Still new to this whole discourse thing. :sweat_smile: Anyway, I’m an undergrad at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University following Information Technology. It’s my 4th year at university. Currently, I’m a Student Ambassador, meanwhile, I’m working as an assistant program manager to the Student Ambassador program at SEF. I do love to spend time exploring new technical knowledge. I wonder how did I miss discourse. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Welcome @nimeshkasun and @Bawantha_Rathnayaka ! :partying_face:


Hi, I’m Bhathiya Kariyawasam.
I’m passionate about learning new concepts, new technologies, build new things and digging into deep about things I really interested :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. And also, I’m waiting to go for industrial training on a nearby day.
As a person besides the programming stuff, I’m an artist and nature lover. I love painting and architecture stuff :heart_eyes:. I feel very relaxed when I draw a painting :relieved:. So when I’m free, I like to listen to music and I also try to dance for it :grin: and I would like to play video games specially military or shooting games, watch TV series and movies and also I love to travel in natural places.
Currently, I am a 3rd year undergraduate in Computing and Information Systems at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka and also working as a Software Engineer at SEF.


Welcome @BhathiyaTK :partying_face:

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Hi all,
I’m Janeth. Currently, I am a third-year undergraduate at IIT. For one year I work at WSO2 as a software engineering intern. I started to love programming after I joined IIT. I am a person who likes to learn and try out new things. As a result, me and few friends started a startup company. We undertake various kinds of projects. The main objective is to improve our skills and have experiance in various technologies. We also have a YouTube channel to share our technical knowledge with others. I am also a contributor to SEF.

In my free time, I travel with my friends, do camping in various places in Sri Lanka. I love to capture all those memories as a photograph.


Welcome @Janeth_Fernando and @Minuri_Adasuriya ! :heart_eyes:

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