Welcome Shyamal to SEF!

Hello there,
Please welcome @shyamal to the tech team! :partying_face:
He is a Senior Software Architect at Dialog Axiata Labs with 13+ years of experience in the industry. Shyamal is passionate about education and Sri Lanka as much as we do. He would be joining SEF and he would like to guide the tech team with our work as the starting point.

@shyamal, our heartiest welcome goes to you. Congratulations on being part of our growing team! :partying_face: :raised_hands:

cc: @techTeam


Welcome @shyamal! We are so happy to have you with us.

Thank you @piumal1999 !!

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Welcome to the SEF team Shyamal!! would love to hear your feedback on what you’ve observed/seen so far with our content.

Thank Minuri, very impressive what I have seen so far and how things are progressing.

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