On behalf of the whole engineering team, It’s my pleasure to announce our next addition @Gajindu_Bandara
It’s incredible to work alongside such a passionate, active, and well-organized developer in the team. Gajindu has displayed his ability to think through and manage projects on his own.
Project management
Gajindu has is an individual with the ability to organize and carry out tasks very neatly sometimes even pulling off large projects by leading the development all by himself -
Taking initiative
He has a natural knack to take initiative, plan and execute them in a well organised manner, which is evident by the number of hive threads he has initiated and kept on updating until those tasks were well and truly over -
Great communication
He would always keep the team updated on his tasks by joining the squad calls and weekly standups frequently
Congratulations @Gajindu_Bandara, We believe you will be a great addition to the team, Welcome aboard.