Testing the Admin Flow of the ScholarX v1

Hi, In this thread, I have added some test cases that I ran for each feature in the admin section.
Feel free to add your suggestions and comments too. @Gravewalker @anjisvj @jaye

Test Cases:

1. Create a program:

  • Issues: None
  • Suggestions: N/A

Test-case 01

2. Edit Program:

  • Issues: None
  • Suggestions: N/A


3. Changing State:

  • Issues: None
  • Suggestions: N/A


4. Manage Mentors:

  • Issues: None
  • Suggestions: N/A


5. Manage Mentee:

  • Issues: An error occurs when removing a mentee

Error, User has not enrolled in any program as a mentor.
2021-06-04 22:38:20.611 WARN 63008 — [nio-8080-exec-9] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method ‘DELETE’ not supported]

  • Suggestions: To show which mentor the mentee belongs to.


6. Logout:

  • Issues: None
  • Suggestions: N/A



This is really awesome :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: @kumuditha_udayanga Good Job!! :clap:
Regarding the error can share the log?

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Error, User has not enrolled in any program as a mentor.
2021-06-04 22:38:20.611 WARN 63008 — [nio-8080-exec-9] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method ‘DELETE’ not supported]

In the deployed version, the admin dashboard disappear few seconds after loading.
Can you please check that using the live demo.

Thanks for the detailed thread @kumuditha_udayanga!

I found the same issue while testing the cloud version.
created an issue as well.

Kapture 2021-06-05 at 13.58.24

(Issue contains the log)

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I had the same issue, the deployed application isn’t loading. These test cases are done by running the master branch locally.

Also, the buttons in the home page refresh the whole application instead of routing.

The dashboard crashing issue has been fixed by @anjisvj !

@Gajindu_Bandara @Janeth_Fernando You can use https://sef-scholarx.herokuapp.com/ for testing


@anjisvj @Gravewalker @jaye Where should i create the issue for this error (Which repository).

This should be a backend issue

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Issue created

Added a comment @kumuditha_udayanga .

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With the help of @piumal1999 the error was finally fixed :partying_face:, it occurred due to using a wrong endpoint in the front-end and in back-end MenteeService.java file’s deleteMentee method doesn’t include a command to delete the mentee.

To fix this error:

  • In front-end ManageMentee's removeMentee functions endpoint ${API_URL}/mentees/${id} was replaced by ${API_URL}/admin/mentees/${id}.

  • In back-end, add menteeRepository.deleteById(id); to the end of deleteMentee method.

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Change in back-end

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Change in front-end

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wow amazing job as always @kumuditha_udayanga