ScholarX Platform V2 - Meeting Notes and Discussions

ScholarX V2 Progress Meeting - 2022-12-23T18:30:00Z

Attendees: @piumal1999 @anjisvj @DESIRA @kumuditha_udayanga

Meeting notes:

  • Primary goal is to effectively match mentees and mentors who are compatible with each other

    • We can setup an algorithm to suggest mentors to mentees based on traits (vice versa)
    • At least by considering the category and main keywords
    • For mentees, we can show a set of suggested mentors when selecting the mentor
  • Reviewed the wireframes

    • Need to add some improvements
      - Login
      - Sidebar (Menu)
      - Settings page for individual user
      - Admin interface for editing the program timeline
      - Email preview/templates for bulk email page
  • Reviewed the extended mentor/mentee applications (Document)

    • Added few more questions during the call
    • Need to contact the scholarx team to get the application forms we used in previous versions

Next steps:

  • Completing the remaining wireframes
  • Arranging a call to brainstorm on the architecture

cc: @jaye @akshika47