Removing mentee questions view from the admin dashboard

We have already developed the admin dashboard view to add dynamic mentee questions but the full functionality is not in the system yet to provide such an application for the mentees.
Ergo we should fully remove the view from the codebase or continue to keep it in the codebase by just hiding it from the admin dashboard (Just removing the button which leads to the view)

@anjisvj @jaye What do you think is the best option??

I think removing the tab is okay cuz we are not commenting on the code but after the backend implementation will it change the current implementation?

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That we canā€™t tell for sure but most probably it will be the same

If all the UIs are there, canā€™t we keep that fuctionality?

yeah we can but it could confuse the users in the pilot run

Ah sorry. I read it as ā€œmentor applicationā€

My bad. Letā€™s remove the button for now.

yeah cool, Iā€™ll create an issue

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