Implementing the manage mentors in ScholarX


The first task is to implement approve/decline mentor

The scenario for the implementation is given below:

Users can apply as a mentor for a program. As admins, we will short list few mentors for the program. Therefore it is essential to have a feature to approve/decline in the MENTOR_VERIFICATION_PERIOD.

The wireframe is as follows:


  • I’ll be using this endpoint to achieve the task where the appoved/declined state would be fetched and edited

PUT /{id}/state

  • I’m hoping to use the switch component as it would give a clear idea on the two states.

An issue was created for the above task

If bored reading this thread, here’s a picture of a grumpy cat to cheer you up. :joy:


:rofl::rofl::rofl: This is so funny @miluckshan-j!

Also, thanks for the update on your task!

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