Updates for the week 2020-09-05T18:30:00Z → 2020-09-11T18:30:00Z
Attendees: @anjisvj @Gimhan_minion @Jaye @YohanAvishke @piumal1999 @Gravewalker
SEF Site
SEV section
- @Gimhan_minion facing an issue when aligning the images in the mobile view.
Suggestions:- Add an image between the title and the description which only visible in the mobile view.
- Can be merged SEV section by 2020-09-12T18:30:00Z
- Merged the CI/CD PR - Build is failing
- Follow up token handling with Shyamal
- Finished admin APIs with tests by @piumal1999
Next Week
- Issues for other APIs will be created by @piumal1999 (Developing ScholarX backend - #11 by piumal1999)
- Finalize Mentor APIs by @piumal1999.
- Finalize Kubernetes by @YohanAvishke on 2020-09-15T18:30:00Z
- No major updates
- Planning to start work on
- The main structure of the admin dashboard.
- Add program view.