Updates for the week 2020-07-31T18:30:00Z → 2020-08-07T18:30:00Z
@jaye @Gravewalker @piumal1999 @miluckshan-j @anjisvj @YohanAvishke @Gimhan_minion
AcademiX dashboard
- Started on implementing the adding translations via the dashboard
- Created the dummy UIs
- Worked on rewriting APIs
next steps :
- Amending the database from using a table to using enums for languages
- Finishing up the UI views for all the edit and add forms
- Finalised the class diagram
- Changed the ERD according to the new ideas popped up when designing the class diagram
- Did research on adding LinkedIn as single-sign-on
- Designed mockups for the mentor application
- Initiated the scholarX Kanban board on GitHub projects
next steps:
- Creating API diagrams
- Coming up with the best approach for the authentication part
- Creating database scripts
- Completing the authentication from both ends (backend and frontend)
- DB scripts: 2020-08-09T18:30:00Z
- Defining the technology for auth: 2020-08-10T18:30:00Z
- API doc: 2020-08-11T18:30:00Z
- Finalising mockups: 2020-08-09T18:30:00Z
- Creating dummy UIs for dashboard and login: 2020-08-14T18:30:00Z
Backend first milestone: 2020-08-14T18:30:00Z
- completing the auth
- completing models
Related threads:
Sef Site
- Updated the team page alumni section
next step:
- Coming up with a new design for the students, experts and volunteers sections
next steps:
- Whitelisting the APIs
- Amending the admin dashboard to do the crud operations