We need to have a discussion on the topics, Kubernetes integration, User Authentication, and API gateway integration of scholarx platform.
Who: @shyamal @EngTeam
When: 2020-12-02T13:30:00Z
Join info: https://meet.google.com/vsa-ukxb-mzm
Helpful links:
What to discuss?
- Review existing Kubernetes setup
- Clarify the questions on the flow and best practices.
- How to handle the ScholarX token? (both backend and frontend)
- How to handle the refresh token in the frontend?
Call on integrating a Kubernetes cluster for Scholarx platform - 2020-12-01T18:30:00Z
@Gravewalker, @YohanAvishke, @piumal1999, @anjisvj, @Janeth_Fernando, @shyamal
These are the recommendations @shyamal and his colleagues made after reviewing the things that we had done,
kubectl expose deployment <NAME> --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080
:to expose services through a port.
- Nord port -> Cluster IP: for the service type
- Open shift - To research and find out
- Shymal build and deploy an app on a pod as a load balancer service
- To access using internet using a public load balancer or an ingress controller
- If using an ingress controller, you need a public IP/domain. Config ingress to that domain/IP
- If using a load balancer, you need to get a public load balancer service.
- Nginx is good as an ingress controller
- Use Kaliko(network manager) to set up Kubernetes: for the cloud deployment
- You can access services using their namespace: service_name.namespace.svc.cluster.local
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